Note: If you submitted an application before October 1st, 2012, PLEASE RESUBMIT IT. GoogleDoc swallowed your application and brushed away the crumbs from it's sticky fingers before we couldn't get a bite of it. No need to resubmit art or writing samples, though!


Hello from the BrEDitors!

We here at Sliced Bread have had a busy summer! Some of us have gone to/are in Turkey, China, and probably other places! Others of us are loving the summertime Chi, and the last of us are sitting in unairconditioned apartments, or working, or both... But now the leaves are starting to change and campus is looking a bit more busy. Classes start next week and the many RSOs that keep student life thriving at the U of C are also starting to get into gear. If you're looking to take part in an RSO that is challenging, rewarding, and quite a bit of fun, and are also interested in dipping your feet into the world of litmags, give us a chance!

We're taking applications to be on staff for the first two weeks of the quarter, and before you submit that app, you should definitely attend an info session.

To cut to the good stuff--



PLEASE NOTE that applications are only accepted during the first two weeks of Fall and Winter Quarter. If these dates are past and you still really want to be part of staff, please e-mail us first at editors@slicedbreadmag.com. 
We recommend that you attend an information session before submitting an application. An information session will be held TUESDAY OF FIRST WEEK (OCTOBER 2) at 7:30PM in Harper 103 and THURSDAY OF FIRST WEEK (OCTOBER 4) at 7:30PM in Harper 130.



And email us (editors@slicedbreadmag.com) if you have any questions!


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