The first- and second-place winners of the second annual "Why We Travel" writing contest, cosponsored by Sliced Bread Magazine and the University of Chicago Study Abroad Office, have been chosen!

Congratulations to our first-place winner, Anne Carlton, for her piece, "The Cries of Kotobuki-cho"! For a prize, Anne has been awarded a $150 gift certificate to the Seminary Coop.

Congratulations also to the second-place winner, David Casey, for his "Bi La Kayf"! David has also been awarded a $150 Seminary Coop gift certificate.

Please join us in extending your congratulations to our winners, and stay tuned for next year's travel writing contest. If you've taken a trip sponsored by the University of Chicago Study Abroad Office, start gathering your travel-related reflections for the next competition. We can't wait to see what you've got.