Calling all ARTISTS and WRITERS who have ever flipped through the pages of a comic book, graphic novel or even the cartoon section of the newspaper and thought, "I could do that." Now's your chance to prove it to yourself, the University of Chicago community, and the world!
Sliced Bread Magazine announces its first ever
to be held between Thursday, January 13th and Saturday, January 15th. Writers and artists will compete in teams of two to create the best short illustrated story (1-3 pages total) based on a prompt.
will be awarded to the first- and second-place writers and artists!
Thursday, January 13th from 8:30pm-9:30pm in the McCormick Tribune Lounge (in the Reynold's Club). The study break will include snacks from Rajun Cajun, The Nile, and more. At the study break, we will show clips from movies based on graphic narratives, provide samples of graphic novels and comic books, and feature a talk by Paul Hornschemeier, an instructor in the Creative Writing Department and an expert on graphic novels. At the end of the study break, we will announce the prompt, and the contest will begin!
(Anyone can come to the study break, even those not participating in the contest.)
We will officially announce the prompt online at midnight on Thursday, which means that coming to the study break will give you a couple hours of an advantage over competitors--so come! It'll be a lot of fun!
Semifinalists will be selected by a panelist of judges and announced on Sunday, January 16th. Their work will then appear on our website to be voted on by the University of Chicago community, so if you're a semifinalist, encourage your friends to visit our website and vote!
To enter, SIGN UP by Thursday, January 13th at 11:59pm.
Please put "Contest Signup" in the subject line.
To sign up as a team, one member should email us with both members' names, student ID numbers, and email addresses.
To sign up as an individual, just send your own name, ID number, and email address and let us know whether you will be participating as a writer or as an artist. We'll team you up with somebody and send you their contact information.
Competition Guidelines:
- Submissions are due Saturday, January 15th at 11:59pm. Submissions should be emailed to Please put "Contest Submission" in the subject line.
- If you will be scanning hand-drawn pages, visit for information on where and when scanning is available on campus. Plan ahead: keep in mind that the libraries closing time on Saturday is earlier than the competition deadline!
- Submissions should be completed by a team of two or by an individual. If you know who you want to work with, you may sign up with that person. If not, sign up by yourself and we will assign you a partner and give you their contact information.
- Submissions must address the prompt announced at the kick-off study break and online, but otherwise may address any desired themes and subjects.
- Submissions should be in the form of short illustrated stories. No longer than three (3) 8.5x11" pages, please! You may divide up the pages between text and illustration however you wish.
- Pen-and-paper sketches or computer-generated images are both fine.
- NO PLAGIARISM. All work must be the sole creation of the artist and writer signed up.
**Thank you to the Japanese Anime Society for their support, to the Creative Writing Department for sponsoring our prizes, and to Student Government for funding our kick-off study break.**