Every year, Sliced Bread puts out one high-quality literary and arts magazine in Spring Quarter with over 100 pages of student work, including a full-color insert. Now, Spring Quarter might seem like a long way away, but we're already accepting submissions (and will continue to do so up through early January, 2011). We want to see your artistic and literary work of any two-dimensional variety (even 3D, if it translates well into a photograph). We're happy to consider short stories, excerpts from longer fiction, poetry, essays, musings, photographs, drawings, paintings, cartoons, collages, and just about anything that you can think of and put on paper.

If you're interested in submitting, check out our submission guidelines and then email your submission(s) to us at If your submission is to large to make it through that way, click on over to our large files dropbox and submit that way. Questions? Check our FAQ first, but if your answer isn't there, get in touch with us at

We can't wait to see what you've got in store for us this year!

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